Harvest Time!

After basically a month on the road, I returned to a very neglected backyard.  Well, after two hours on a glorious Sunday morning, things are back in good shape!

Cleared out the basil – I had green, Thai and purple basil this year.  And I planted carrots for Kaipua.  Kale was the gift that kept on giving this season, but I think this should be the last yield for the year.

I’m especially proud of my carrots, given its just my first year.  I only pulled one up, there’s a bunch more in the ground that I’m letting sit for now, and will just glean when I need/want them.

Tending the garden is always a rewarding experience.  Just wish I had more time to do so.  A few tomatoes still on the vine, a second crop of grapes as well – and two bell peppers await!  A perfect Sunday morning.  It’s good to be home.


So I’m actually home for more than a 72 hour stretch in April – so what do I do?  Aggressively take on the backyard.


This is a before shot.  Stay tuned for the after!  Sneak peek of what’s to come: Heirloom Watermelon, Sugar Snap Peas, Carrots, Cherry Tomatoes, Zucchini, Cucumbers and Squash. 

Grapevines are pruned and ready to go – mom beat me to the chainlinked fence, or I would have snuck some corn in there.


Even moved Ricky and Lucy, our from seed avocado trees, back outside!



About to embark on another round of house projects, including parking pad, maybe bathroom upgrades, patio resurfacing.  It never ends!