What Happened to 2021?

Looking back at my posts from 2020, everything seemed so…manageable. I don’t know if it was ignorance. Or the fact that we were all just coping. But my posts from the start of the pandemic don’t seem to match my memory of how chaotic it all seemed. Looking back, it all seemed so…innocent. Naive, really. Well, here we are, now 22 months into this pandemic. Thankfully, most folks in DC are vaxxed. But with variants abound, we are still playing it safe, with the occasional questionable decision of going out and dining in public.

And as the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words – so I will try to capture the past 19 previously unaccounted for months with a photo for each month. We ready?

June 2020. George Floyd. Uprisings.
July 2020. New York City. Empty Park Avenue.
August 2020. Bear sitting. Baltimore.
September 2020. RBG. RIP.
October 2020. Birthday. Bonfire.
November 2020. Nazis. We knew them they’d be back Jan. 6, but no one listened.
December 2020. Christmas Lunch with the Elderly and Sant’Egidio. Our last one with Christine.
January 2021. Vaccinations! The light at the end of the tunnel, right?
January 2021 continued. New upstairs bath. Will post about this in more detail in a separate post.
February 2021. Chromatica Oreos. Worth risking infection, apparently?
March 2021. Devastating loss. I still think about her everyday.
April 2021. Crossing the Mississippi. Separate Road Trip post is in order.
May 2021. Porchin’ at La Coop. Many a morning spent here.
June 2021. Everyone vaxxed. Crabfest was on!
July 2021. Mother and child reunion.
Awesome August 2021. Return of the Cons. Pen Show AND Awesome Con.
September 2021. Sonoma. Pacific. Heaven.
October 2021. Respect Our Existence or Expect Our Resistance.
November 2021. Fallingwater. Pittsburgh Hygge.

These are obviously just a few highlights. It’s impossible to adequately capture the countless hours on zoom…working and/or organizing. Or the days (and nights) I’ve spent zoning out, playing video games. Or beautiful daily walks, inspired conversations by the fire, moments of companionable silence. 2021 seems much more manic than 2020, but if this is what the new normal is going to look like, I can consider myself blessed. Very blessed indeed.